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 Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert

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2 posters

Favorite Host
David Letterman
Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Vote_lcap0%Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Stephen Colbert
Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Vote_lcap100%Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Vote_rcap
 100% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 1


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Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Empty
PostSubject: Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert   Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 1:08 pm

Nothing will ever trump Letterman's show, but I'm sure there are people that enjoy Colbert's version. Which one do you prefer?

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Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert   Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 5:07 pm

Always love Colbert's monologues and his "Meanwhile..." sketch!

Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert IxTwoGb
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Favorite "Late Show" Host: Letterman or Colbert
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