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 Jurassic Mainframe's "Mainframe Madness" Tournament Results!

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Jurassic Mainframe's "Mainframe Madness" Tournament Results! Empty
PostSubject: Jurassic Mainframe's "Mainframe Madness" Tournament Results!   Jurassic Mainframe's "Mainframe Madness" Tournament Results! Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 1:44 pm

If you missed out on the tournament that was ongoing on Twitter, you missed one hell of a competition! First up, the results from the human side of the film tourney:

Opening Round:
Alan Grant def Owen Grady (81.3% - 18.8%)
Ellie Sattler def Claire Dearing (60% - 40%)
Eric Kirby def Amanda Kirby (68.4% - 31.6%)
Ian Malcolm def John Hammond (64% - 36%)
Simon Masrani def Peter Ludlow (63.6% - 36.4%)
Billy Brennan def Nick Van Owen (66.7% - 33.3%)

Alan Grant def Ellie Sattler (88% - 12%)
Ian Malcolm def Eric Kirby (77.8% - 22.2%)
Simon Masrani def Billy Brennan (76% - 24%)

Alan Grant def Ian Malcolm and Simon Masrani (66.7% - 22.2% - 11.1%)
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Jurassic Mainframe's "Mainframe Madness" Tournament Results!
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