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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 1:41 pm

We don't know if that's the don't want to, is my point.

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 1:42 pm

The point isn't about who wants to make their own JP site. The point is the exploitation of the JPL name. If they want to make their own site, good on them. I wish them all the best with it, but not under the JPL name.

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Simon Masrani wrote:
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 1:44 pm

So if they change the name, you'd be open to it?

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 1:47 pm

I wouldn't have an opinion on the matter had they not took hold of the JPL name.

JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 NDKpH4L
Simon Masrani wrote:
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 1:51 pm

I'll back Nedryland up on this as well. There's only been a couple around here who've really spoken about it, but back during the JPL closing there were people posting that just would not accept a new site. they were convinced it couldn't be like JPL. Now there's a new site coming, which is all well and good if they want to do it, but the first thing they put out there is it'll be "JPL 2.0". does that name mean that much to people? I joined here and wanted to be staff because I wanted to keep the community together. JPL was just a name of a large community, and we obviously did lose a large number of people when it left. But I don't feel resurrecting JPL will bring them back.

Make the Sayles JP IV script into an animated series! Admit it, you'd watch it.
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 1:56 pm

TheDreamMaster wrote:
evolution_rex wrote:
There is some unnecessary hostility. I think it's clear and the people have spoken; don't use JPL's name. But other than that we really should be supporting this new site. I mean, that is the point of putting the community here right? As a temporary fix until someone stepped up and made a new website? You guys didn't want Outpost, and you guys don't want this, but what, you're willing to let the community die here? Doesn't make sense to me.

Fix the name, I think you'll get a lot of people behind your back, and then we can all actually build something together.

Except we do have things in the works here to make a new site. Like I said in my last post a minute ago, we had some down time and it hurt us, but things are moving now, and they got moving when Spiegel was talking about site problems earlier, not just because it seems we're going to end up with more competition. I know, it's a "I'll believe it when I see it thing", but it's going to happen. We've already made changes to the RPG, new moderation is in that will do their jobs this time. More stuff is coming. So it's not hostility we are trying to convey, it just feels like now that we do want to put in the work and keep this community together here, others are going to split it by dragging up the corpse of JPL.  

This is not intended to be judgmental or offensive, and I only quite you TDM because you said it but here it is, again no offense:

The fact that all of this had to go down, the "warm debate" if you will, about how things were to inspire the change might be why they dont want to team up. I dont know, I'm not speaking for them and I have no idea their thought process or reasoning. However, flip the situation around. Would you want to work with the forum or staff here if you saw all that had to happen to get things moving I dont mean this to be rude, I'm just saying that there was obviously an acknowledged issue here that while it was addressed, happened. That can leave a bad taste in peoples mouths. Just like the bad portions of JPL that chased away sections of the community.

I dont mean it from a judgmental standpoint. Honestly, I see you as the leaders in the attempt to save the community. Thats the truth, because hobby or not this does take some dedication and commitment to run a forum. However, as leaders you guys sort of had a few errors in judgement. You let this site fall a little by the wayside, it happens and thats ok. There is a certain level of vigilance that needed to be adhered to, meaning a better eye should have been kept on things like the RPG. Also, the initial blast in activity was the time to make big moves and cement the community. I'm not saying you didnt attempt it but outside the RPG little else was done to tie the community here, the opportunity was missed.

So, again this is not intended to offend. This is sort of like peer to peer counseling in the Army. We all make little mistakes and that is fine. Its not like it caused a catastrophe. I just want to be sure the issues are being looked out for what they are. Set some rules and or responsibilities for people to keep things rolling so there is no dead time. Be sure that if you're leaving for Vacation or something you hand over your responsibilities to another staff member during your absence ( I mention this because of it being summer). Dont hold back information that can keep people interested, not everything has to be a big surprise, you can tell us of some of the things coming and save others to blow our minds. A big one is if your staff cant commit to volunteer their time here they should consider stepping down. Yes its only a hobby and yes its voluntary but until the community grows it needs some staff to nurture it. Like a newly planted it flower, it'll grow on its own but it needs water, the best top soil, tilled land, and fertilizer before it does and to be protected from critters.

Ok so, my big point here is that the little errors thus far may have turned on the new JPL team members to working with JPP team members. Also, it needs to be ensured that this community is fostered in the proper environment here and that requires dedication and commitment. In the end the entirety of this situation can be remedied by acknowledging the little errors, no ones fault really, and moving on in a fashion that keeps them from occurring again. I would like to see Nublar7 team up with JPP and maybe do a combined site here. That would be great. I'm not sure their reservations and what I type above was only a guess and used to point out an issue.

One last time, I mean no offense and I'm not attempting to cast judgement.

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 2:00 pm

If they call it anything but JPL I will have no ills.
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 2:03 pm

TheDreamMaster wrote:
I'll back Nedryland up on this as well. There's only been a couple around here who've really spoken about it, but back during the JPL closing there were people posting that just would not accept a new site. they were convinced it couldn't be like JPL. Now there's a new site coming, which is all well and good if they want to do it, but the first thing they put out there is it'll be "JPL 2.0". does that name mean that much to people? I joined here and wanted to be staff because I wanted to keep the community together. JPL was just a name of a large community, and we obviously did lose a large number of people when it left. But I don't feel resurrecting JPL will bring them back.  

I remember that. Many old members said so themselves in the final days of the site. And that's not taken into account those who are simply too bust doing other things. I remember how at least one of them, Sinornithosaurus, said that he won't be able to come here via his paleontological career.

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 2:05 pm

Richard Levine wrote:
If they call it anything but JPL I will have no ills.

Good to hear. Perhaps change the name or use JPP as the name and make sure acknowledge JPL in a bit of a community out reach. We should be coming g together as a community or else we are going to destroy it. That's part of what killed JPL, the inability for anyone to agree on anything even to agree to disagreeing. There needs to be an open door policy about addressing these issues within the community as well. Our only chance of saving our community, our friends, is to figure this all out together.

Ok that's enough hippie speak. I might vomit after all the heart warming statements I just made but you catch my drift.

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 2:47 pm

Spiegel wrote:
TheDreamMaster wrote:
evolution_rex wrote:
There is some unnecessary hostility. I think it's clear and the people have spoken; don't use JPL's name. But other than that we really should be supporting this new site. I mean, that is the point of putting the community here right? As a temporary fix until someone stepped up and made a new website? You guys didn't want Outpost, and you guys don't want this, but what, you're willing to let the community die here? Doesn't make sense to me.

Fix the name, I think you'll get a lot of people behind your back, and then we can all actually build something together.

Except we do have things in the works here to make a new site. Like I said in my last post a minute ago, we had some down time and it hurt us, but things are moving now, and they got moving when Spiegel was talking about site problems earlier, not just because it seems we're going to end up with more competition. I know, it's a "I'll believe it when I see it thing", but it's going to happen. We've already made changes to the RPG, new moderation is in that will do their jobs this time. More stuff is coming. So it's not hostility we are trying to convey, it just feels like now that we do want to put in the work and keep this community together here, others are going to split it by dragging up the corpse of JPL.  

This is not intended to be judgmental or offensive, and I only quite you TDM because you said it but here it is, again no offense:

The fact that all of this had to go down, the "warm debate" if you will, about how things were to inspire the change might be why they dont want to team up. I dont know, I'm not speaking for them and I have no idea their thought process or reasoning. However, flip the situation around. Would you want to work with the forum or staff here if you saw all that had to happen to get things moving I dont mean this to be rude, I'm just saying that there was obviously an acknowledged issue here that while it was addressed, happened. That can leave a bad taste in peoples mouths. Just like the bad portions of JPL that chased away sections of the community.

I dont mean it from a judgmental standpoint. Honestly, I see you as the leaders in the attempt to save the community. Thats the truth, because hobby or not this does take some dedication and commitment to run a forum. However, as leaders you guys sort of had a few errors in judgement. You let this site fall a little by the wayside, it happens and thats ok. There is a certain level of vigilance that needed to be adhered to, meaning a better eye should have been kept on things like the RPG. Also, the initial blast in activity was the time to make big moves and cement the community. I'm not saying you didnt attempt it but outside the RPG little else was done to tie the community here, the opportunity was missed.

So, again this is not intended to offend. This is sort of like peer to peer counseling in the Army. We all make little mistakes and that is fine. Its not like it caused a catastrophe. I just want to be sure the issues are being looked out for what they are. Set some rules and or responsibilities for people to keep things rolling so there is no dead time. Be sure that if you're leaving for Vacation or something you hand over your responsibilities to another staff member during your absence ( I mention this because of it being summer). Dont hold back information that can keep people interested, not everything has to be a big surprise, you can tell us of some of the things coming and save others to blow our minds. A big one is if your staff cant commit to volunteer their time here they should consider stepping down. Yes its only a hobby and yes its voluntary but until the community grows it needs some staff to nurture it. Like a newly planted it flower, it'll grow on its own but it needs water, the best top soil, tilled land, and fertilizer before it does and to be protected from critters.

Ok so, my big point here is that the little errors thus far may have turned on the new JPL team members to working with JPP team members. Also, it needs to be ensured that this community is fostered in the proper environment here and that requires dedication and commitment. In the end the entirety of this situation can be remedied by acknowledging the little errors, no ones fault really, and moving on in a fashion that keeps them from occurring again. I would like to see Nublar7 team up with JPP and maybe do a combined site here. That would be great. I'm not sure their reservations and what I type above was only a guess and used to point out an issue.

One last time, I mean no offense and I'm not attempting to cast judgement.

I will say, I agree that things did fall by the wayside for a while. I'm willing to say I myself have been pretty short sighted because this all did basically start as a way to keep things going from JPL, and that has sort of what it's been since the old site closed. I am also glad you put a response like this. No offense intended, but the way this all started came off as a bit hostile, but it wasn't just from you, and I understand the concerns for the site and where you see things should be and those leading it. There is real work being put forward now to change that now, and we're trying to make sure we as staff are involved in things, and not let it all fall down again.

I mean no ill will towards this new group, it feels off to me that they want to use JPL's name so badly, because of some connection to it.

Make the Sayles JP IV script into an animated series! Admit it, you'd watch it.
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 3:06 pm

This whole conversation for me is meaningless, and honestly I'm sort of confused by the entire thing, I am not sure who is on what side or what the sides are or what the underlying argument is. Really I don't care what happens. I want a site that finally satisfies me and if that is this new one, good. I don't care what it is called or what it tries to be, if it satisfies me then good. If not, oh well.

I do find it funny that you guys always talk about respecting Ty's decision when it agrees with your own but as soon as he says something that is in opposition to what you said you go "oh but he just doesn't care..." Does what he says matter or does it not? Pick one.

I don't feel like I have anything to add to this conversation because I don't even know what's going on.

I can't help but feel as though the community is going downhill, one way or another. Some ignoramus will be like "no its just going FANTASTIC" but really, I don't feel like it is. Someone else will say I'm just purposefully being depressing or just moaning and being retarded (I think Nedryland already did that anyway), I don't care. I think the community is really just not going well. We are split off into so many sites, and even on the established sites like this there are people discussing splitting off more, and people here aren't in agreement about anything, not even staff, and ugh, it's just going bad.

Thankfully, I have no significant voice, so I'm able to just be lazy and go along with the ride. I think at this point I'll just go with the flow.

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 3:16 pm

I'll agree, my intentions were good but some of my statements weren't properly put and could have been taken in a way that would be more offensive than I ever intended. I do apologize for not putting more thought into what I said and turning it more into an argument-ish type talk.

My intentions here are good. I dont mean to belittle or demean anyone. My love for Jurassic Park, JPL and especially LTL is immense. I am deeply effected by the lost of the site and community because at a time when I was struggling with issues LTL was my saving grace. It gave me focus on something outside of my life that people appreciated and I enjoyed. I lost my mod position and was banned 2 years ago from LTL and JPL. To have it come back as JPP was beyond exciting for me, having lost contact with so many people and my love of the site and community. It may sound a little silly but there was a sort of emotional attachment that I am still seeking out and when the site seemed to be gathering dust so soon into its start I was upset at being back in the community and potentially losing it again after all this time. Hence my concerns.

As for the new "JPL2 group" I dont believe there is ill intent. I think the use of the name is a good thing in the sense, like lighting the beacons for Gondor. The name itself is like a lighthouse in the ocean and will guide members of the community back, at least in my mind. However, I do understand the use of the name sort of rubbing people the wrong way. I also believe that JPP and "JPL2" should maybe work together and focus efforts here. Make JPP worthy of the title "spiritual successor," and bring the community back with new focus.

I honestly find it so odd that we all, including myself, have such an attachment to a website in the grand realm of things. I guess it just meant something to everyone somehow, whether it was your saving grace or you credit it for forming the way you interact with people like Richard had said it did him in a post. I think that means something though, that attachment. I think we need to consider all options but with the primary goal to keep community united. I just miss a board full of people that I could always find something to talk about no matter my mood. I also miss a thriving RPG more than anything.

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 4:38 pm

Dead2009 wrote:
He deleted all of his social media. If he actually gave his blessing then he stabbed everyone that supported him directly in the back.

His Facebook is still up for me.
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 4:46 pm

Troyal1 wrote:
Dead2009 wrote:
He deleted all of his social media. If he actually gave his blessing then he stabbed everyone that supported him directly in the back.

His Facebook is still up for me.

I think his personal Facebook, I think they meant every social media related to JPL.

Make the Sayles JP IV script into an animated series! Admit it, you'd watch it.
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 5:14 pm

So let me get this straight. "JPL 2.0" is just JPP but with the JPL name and logo slapped onto it. Why not just help out JPP instead of acting like a bunch of entitled children.

Los Lobos
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 5:35 pm

TheDreamMaster wrote:
Troyal1 wrote:
Dead2009 wrote:
He deleted all of his social media. If he actually gave his blessing then he stabbed everyone that supported him directly in the back.

His Facebook is still up for me.

I think his personal Facebook, I think they meant every social media related to JPL.
ohhhhh got ya
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 6:21 pm

What happened? JPL will revive or something?

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 6:49 pm

Mysterious Hero M wrote:
So let me get this straight. "JPL 2.0" is just JPP but with the JPL name and logo slapped onto it. Why not just help out JPP instead of acting like a bunch of entitled children.

Well the truth of the matter (if I understand it correctly) is that this free forumotion board is hardly ideal for accommodating all us entitled children and the stuff people have been desiring this whole time. It works for now, yeah, but far better options exist, and may become necessary in time.

Only problem is that some people seem to be taking it into their own hands and going off on their own, slapping JPL's name on their site that they only just decided to tell everyone about, and then hand-waving every concern and telling us "oh no it's awesome we promise just uh trust us kay?"

Former former... former... former... yeah, you get the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 6:56 pm

I think it's about time we stop this. All we are doing is alienating anyone involved in that project and anyone who agrees with them. More rifts in the community. They're going to do it either way and the best thing that could come of this is maybe they join JPP and unify or vice versa. However all this bashing over the name is just going to make any of that harder to accomplish.

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Dr. Wu
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 7:02 pm

RolandEden wrote:
What happened? JPL will revive or something?
There will be a new JPL but it will be completely new and "Under New Management".

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 7:17 pm

It's basically JPL, Bootleg edition

Los Lobos
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 7:24 pm

Spiegel wrote:
I think it's about time we stop this. All we are doing is alienating anyone involved in that project

To be fair, they pretty much alienated themselves from the get go and have since done very little to involve the community which they're trying to provide a site for

JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 NDKpH4L
Simon Masrani wrote:
“The key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control.”
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Lord Kristine
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 7:30 pm

I do believe this has to stop. For the love of God, the site hasn't even come out yet. Can we all agree to just wait and have faith in each other?

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 8:01 pm

Lord Kristine wrote:
I do believe this has to stop. For the love of God, the site hasn't even come out yet. Can we all agree to just wait and have faith in each other?
You guys want to be the ones in charge of the community? Listening to them would be the first start. Two separate groups are trying to make new websites, and I was in a whole argument in here earlier about you guys joining forces and yet you've completely ignored this. Do you not want to join forces? Why not? Or are you ignoring everything and just asking everyone to stop? There has been a severe lack of communication with your guys project and the rest of the fandom. There is NO reason to keep anything withheld, you're not creating hype you're just irritating people and not letting the community in.

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Lord Kristine
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 8:11 pm

evolution_rex wrote:
Lord Kristine wrote:
I do believe this has to stop. For the love of God, the site hasn't even come out yet. Can we all agree to just wait and have faith in each other?
You guys want to be the ones in charge of the community? Listening to them would be the first start. Two separate groups are trying to make new websites, and I was in a whole argument in here earlier about you guys joining forces and yet you've completely ignored this. Do you not want to join forces? Why not? Or are you ignoring everything and just asking everyone to stop? There has been a severe lack of communication with your guys project and the rest of the fandom. There is NO reason to keep anything withheld, you're not creating hype you're just irritating people and not letting the community in.

I apologize for the lack of communication, but we've been rather busy behind the scenes. As for joining forces, a partnership would be ideal, but this new JPL has a vastly different style from any forum we've ever built before. It would be like trying to combine eggs and chocolate. They're good alone, but together, the style is lost.

PS: I object to the term "in charge".

Claire Dearing is a Stegoceratops and you can't disprove that.
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 8:21 pm

If you objected to that term, you'd had informed everyone here by making a thread and starting it off with open communication.

I can't make anyone do anything, but I recommend trying to find a comprise with your sites, share ideas, etc with Nedryland or other members of the staff in private. We're all on the same side here because in the end we all just want a new website.

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Last edited by evolution_rex on Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lord Kristine
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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 8:22 pm

Alright, if it really needs to come to this, here is a full explanation of your most common criticisms.

1. The Name
We are NOT using the name to draw people in. This group was founded as the Save JPL group, and when it became clear that we couldn't buy the original site, we decided to rebrand. Later, we agreed that it would be better to use the same brand, as we were continuing the JPL format with a special added style.
2. Ty
He gave us permission. As far as I'm concerned, that's the end of that story.
3. Community
Look at how many Star Wars forums there are. Are they divided? No. We wish to promote an inclusive environment, mending old partnerships perhaps lost to JPL in the past.
4. Merging
We cannot merge with JPP, because we are currently pushing the limits of our forum technology to bring an entirely new experience. It would be like merging Mario Kart with Super Mario Bros. similar themes, different style and mechanics.
5. Team
We have a team of highly qualified individuals.
6. Secrecy
Some mechanics of the forum are not set in stone. Changes are still being made, and we don't want to confirm ideas that will ultimately be scrapped.

If you have any more questions, please consult Josh. Thank you.

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JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 8:40 pm

So the JP community will refuse to work with each other and create two independent websites that are essentially trying to be the same thing? This is ridiculous. Guess what? It's the exact opposite of unity.

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Lord Kristine
Lord Kristine

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JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 9:01 pm

Disneyland. Disneyworld. It's not a difficult concept.

Claire Dearing is a Stegoceratops and you can't disprove that.
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JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2016 9:05 pm

They're both owned by under one roof.

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PostSubject: Re: JPLegacy Memorial Thread   JPLegacy Memorial Thread - Page 10 Icon_minitime

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