"Three years have passed since the horrific disaster at Jurassic World, where technology met prehistory. Doctor Wu remains missing, the Indominus is dead, and Masrani Globals assets have been purchased by the mysterious Grendel Corporation. The survivors have tried to move on from the Incident, but when Owen Grady and Claire Dearing are invited to the company's headquarters on a job offer, they discover what the future of the World could hold."---
Prologue: Speaking Out"We're live in five, four, three, two, one. Action!"
"This is NBC Nightly News, with your host, Desiree Chung."
"Hello, i'm Desiree Chung. It has been a week since the terrible incident at the Jurassic World theme park, and victims of the incident are beginning to speak out about that unfortunate day and how they are coping from losing their loved ones. Along with them, people involved with the original Jurassic Park incident in June of 1993 are beginning to speak out and share their opinions about the incident and the resort. I'm pleased to welcome Doctor Alan Grant to the show, welcome."
Chung turned to the doctor, dressed in a formal suit. His gray hair was slicked back and a pair of black reading glasses rested on his face. A small smile formed on the mans face. "Pleased to have you, Miss Chung." He said, shifting in his seat.
Chung glanced down at the papers on her desk, and cleared her throat. "I'm certain you are aware of the incident at Jurassic World, Dr. Grant." Grant nodded. "So I've heard. Very tragic."
"Would you care to share your thoughts on the incident with us?" she said, pulling a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Certainly." he said, shifting again in his chair. "I share my dearest condolences go out to the families and people affected by this tragedy. My thoughts are with you as you grief the loss of your loved ones. At the same time, I do feel angered towards the actions of Masrani Global in the creation of their...what was responsible for the incident, Miss Chung?"
Chung glanced at her papers. "The
Indominus rex, a genetically modified dinosaur spliced of the DNA of other dinosaurs."
Grant's smile faded. "A hybrid dinosaur. Not real. As I stated in 2001, the animals that were created for Jurassic Park were simply genetically-created theme park monsters, and it seems that Masrani Global has repeated the same mistakes InGen had with the Indominus. An animal created for the sole purpose of generating money. While InGen had attempted to create "wholesome" animals, this...monster, is fictional. They probably would have gotten the same amount of money had they cloned an
actual super-predator, like
Carcharodontosaurus or
Chung nodded. "Do you think this could have been prevented?"
Grant shook his head. "By not creating Jurassic World, perhaps."
"What do you mean?" Chung responded.
"The whole prospect of a new park built on the site where people died is very disrespectful in my eyes. If you recall I was very vocal about the creation of Jurassic World during it's construction. While the park was successful without many issues since 2005, but I feel that the concept is in poor taste to those who died in 1993. To me, t's comparable to building a hotel on an Indian burial ground."
Chung glanced down at her papers again. "Had you visited Jurassic World before?"
Grant shook his head no. "Never. I had considered it but ultimately decided not to. I do know a child I helped protect at the original Park, Tim Murphy, visited the island, as well as one Doctor Ian Malcolm. But I myself have not and even if I did I cant."
"You're implying the Park will not re-open?" she asked.
Grant grimaced. "Are you joking? The Park will never re-open."
"Why not?"
Grant shifted in his seat again. "Over thirty people are said to have been killed when their pterosaur species attacked the tourists, not to mention the poor security staff that were killed by the Indem-Indy--"
Indominus rex."
"That. Quite frankly, the entire Park should be demolished and the animals allowed to live their lives out without humans interfering, as Hammond intended with "Site B"."
Chung flipped her papers. "Have you heard of the recent acquisition of Masrani Global by the "Grendel Corporation"?, Doctor Grant?"
"No, I have not."
"They have stated in a recent press conference that they do not wish to re-open the park, and are wanting to study the dinosaurs in the resort for research purposes."
"Well, in that case, I suppose that is a good thing."
"What do you mean?"
"'Research purposes' can mean a lot of things. It can mean pharmaceutical, it can mean cosmetics, it can mean drug testing, it can mean other outlets of entertainment, and it can mean military. Grendel holds a lot of power now that they own Masrani Global, what remains of it, that is. I simply hope that they know what they are doing."
"How would you use the animals?" she asked, shuffling through her papers.
"Personally, I would not do anything with them. Perhaps have them euthanized. I cant imagine a practical use for a dinosaur in the modern world. Maybe as a fancy pet, but not much else."
"Well, I'm afraid we are all out of time. Thank you for having us, Doctor Grant." she finished.
"The pleasure is all mine."