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 Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done

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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2017 6:02 pm

AVPs are obviously crap, but the first Predator is pretty good. Many LOVE it and instantly give it 10/10, but I hesitate to give it more than 7/10, because Predator as creature is nowhere near as exciting for me as Alien is, and most definitely it is not horror. Also it's pretty slow to get going, and some of the one-liners are a bit too Commando-esque.

Still, it's nevertheless a solid film I enjoy. First act is typical Schwarzenegger and guys shooting down everyone in true 80's macho style, the second act is the meat of the story that everybody came there to see, and the final act is what you'd expect from Arnie action film Razz

Predator 2 and Predators are okay-ish I guess but not memorable. The new film will be (another) reboot, which is extremely unexciting.
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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2017 7:07 pm

Thanks, think I'll check it out Smile

On the subject of Alien again, I just want to add that even though I recognize Aliens as a very solid movie, it was never what I was quite looking for in an Alien movie, and thus I always found the praise for it (particularly when it's rated above Alien) a bit overrated. I just loved the combination of horror and mystery in Alien. Which is why I'm happy that Ridley Scott has taken over the franchise again because he raises a lot of interesting questions and adds the element of mystery back into it, instead of just a lot of action. But again, Aliens was a good action film but I prefer the original and this new, deeper take on the franchise.
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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2017 8:08 pm

Guess we should move this or of the JW section right?

"Through Victory, My chains are broken"
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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2017 8:29 pm

Lost wrote:
Thanks, think I'll check it out Smile

On the subject of Alien again, I just want to add that even though I recognize Aliens as a very solid movie, it was never what I was quite looking for in an Alien movie, and thus I always found the praise for it (particularly when it's rated above Alien) a bit overrated. I just loved the combination of horror and mystery in Alien. Which is why I'm happy that Ridley Scott has taken over the franchise again because he raises a lot of interesting questions and adds the element of mystery back into it, instead of just a lot of action. But again, Aliens was a good action film but I prefer the original and this new, deeper take on the franchise.

There are many who even prefer Predator over any Alien film, so I'm sure you'll like it Smile if nothing else, Arnie has good time in it. I'm surprised he never returned for any of the later ones.

As for Aliens, I don't know, it's just perfection on every level for me. It's probably the most ballsiest sequel ever made too, for it's different approach.
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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2017 9:46 pm

Lost wrote:
Thanks, think I'll check it out Smile

On the subject of Alien again, I just want to add that even though I recognize Aliens as a very solid movie, it was never what I was quite looking for in an Alien movie, and thus I always found the praise for it (particularly when it's rated above Alien) a bit overrated. I just loved the combination of horror and mystery in Alien. Which is why I'm happy that Ridley Scott has taken over the franchise again because he raises a lot of interesting questions and adds the element of mystery back into it, instead of just a lot of action. But again, Aliens was a good action film but I prefer the original and this new, deeper take on the franchise.

I'm a huge fan of the sequel and think it's a masterpiece, but I actually made a post about fans like you a few weeks ago. I can definitely understand being infatuated with the horror element and hate the change. 

Personally I'm way more of "The Thing" fan than Alien, and when I think about a potential sequel to that being action oriented(if that ever happened) I could totally relate to your feelings. 

I'm not trying to be rude at all when I say this but I legit don't see the comparison still between Alien Covenant and what you wanted in a JW movie, besides the dark and mysterious aspect. I can't get in your head and understand what you're expressing or feeling I guess. But what do I know, I'm a JP3 fan Wink

I think you could very well be getting what you want in JW2 though.
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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 29, 2017 5:38 am

Troyal1 wrote:
Lost wrote:
Thanks, think I'll check it out Smile

On the subject of Alien again, I just want to add that even though I recognize Aliens as a very solid movie, it was never what I was quite looking for in an Alien movie, and thus I always found the praise for it (particularly when it's rated above Alien) a bit overrated. I just loved the combination of horror and mystery in Alien. Which is why I'm happy that Ridley Scott has taken over the franchise again because he raises a lot of interesting questions and adds the element of mystery back into it, instead of just a lot of action. But again, Aliens was a good action film but I prefer the original and this new, deeper take on the franchise.

I'm a huge fan of the sequel and think it's a masterpiece, but I actually made a post about fans like you a few weeks ago. I can definitely understand being infatuated with the horror element and hate the change. 

Personally I'm way more of "The Thing" fan than Alien, and when I think about a potential sequel to that being action oriented(if that ever happened) I could totally relate to your feelings. 

I'm not trying to be rude at all when I say this but I legit don't see the comparison still between Alien Covenant and what you wanted in a JW movie, besides the dark and mysterious aspect. I can't get in your head and understand what you're expressing or feeling I guess. But what do I know, I'm a JP3 fan Wink

I think you could very well be getting what you want in JW2 though.

Which post was that? Fans like me? Laughing Well I do appreciate horror and I just think Alien was a perfect movie for a number of reasons, but the combination of horror and mystery was one of them.

I just don't understand what is so hard to get about my post. I listed the things I found enjoyable in Covenant that I felt were lacking in JW, simple as that. Doesn't mean you have to agree. And I have a soft spot for JP3 too Cool But it's certainly not a great movie by any means. It serves its purpose.
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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 30, 2017 6:27 pm

First of all, I liked Alien: Covenant. It actually reminded me of TLW a few times while I was watching it (particularly the use of those giant, Redwood-like trees), and even my Dad thought the Neomorphs acted like Velociraptors. Alien: Covenant does a lot of call backs to both Prometheus and the original Alien movie. It adds nicely to the mythos, but doesn't bog itself down with a lot of blatant references like I feel JW does. I saw a lot of Spielbergian directorial style in Prometheus, and I see a lot of TLW in Alien: Covenant. It's a natural continuation sequel like TLW is, not just a sequel to Prometheus, but a sequel to the franchise in general. I just don't get that feeling from JW. JW ignores TLW and JP/// and I feel it suffers for it. It's a nice standalone if you don't consider TLW or JP/// while watching it, but if JP didn't exist, JW would still stand relatively well on it's own despite the numerous call backs. I think that Covenant, like Prometheus, will find its appreciation in the years to come.

Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 IxTwoGb
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Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done   Things Alien: Covenant did that I wish JW had done - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 30, 2017 6:45 pm

CT-1138 wrote:
First of all, I liked Alien: Covenant. It actually reminded me of TLW a few times while I was watching it (particularly the use of those giant, Redwood-like trees), and even my Dad thought the Neomorphs acted like Velociraptors. Alien: Covenant does a lot of call backs to both Prometheus and the original Alien movie. It adds nicely to the mythos, but doesn't bog itself down with a lot of blatant references like I feel JW does. I saw a lot of Spielbergian directorial style in Prometheus, and I see a lot of TLW in Alien: Covenant. It's a natural continuation sequel like TLW is, not just a sequel to Prometheus, but a sequel to the franchise in general. I just don't get that feeling from JW. JW ignores TLW and JP/// and I feel it suffers for it. It's a nice standalone if you don't consider TLW or JP/// while watching it, but if JP didn't exist, JW would still stand relatively well on it's own despite the numerous call backs. I think that Covenant, like Prometheus, will find its appreciation in the years to come.

Very good post. I have to say I agree.
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