Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:26 pm
Andy Serkis says that Snoke will come back for Star Wars 9.
Not counting being a force ghost or being Darth Maul, it's pretty hard to come back from being cut in half by a lightsaber.
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Bbrink1996 Hatchling
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:51 am
Rhedosaurus wrote:
Andy Serkis says that Snoke will come back for Star Wars 9.
Not counting being a force ghost or being Darth Maul, it's pretty hard to come back from being cut in half by a lightsaber.
He is not confirming anything. He just said "who knows" which is quite common for actors to say if they aren't sure if their characters will come back or not.
V.a.nublarensis Dilophosaurus
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:13 am
CT-1138 Jurassic Mainframe News Team
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:48 pm
It's soooo lackluster. There's nothing charismic about Alden Ehrenreich, and the whole thing seems easily skippable. Too little payoff for too long a wait. My interested is drained.
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:57 pm
I think Solo is going to be a profitable trainwreck, and that's the best case scenario.
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
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CT-1138 Jurassic Mainframe News Team
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:59 pm
I'll probably rent it when it comes out on home release. I don't think I'll see it in theaters. I mean, frankly, the iRaptor has more personality than the entirety of this Solo trailer.
dance2nite Sorna Velociraptor
Posts : 702 Reputation : 28 Join date : 2016-06-08 Location : Melbourne, Australia
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:53 pm
God this film looks like a bore, shouldn't have even been made, will accept no one other than Harrison Ford as Han Solo...
BoulderFaceplant Ceratosaurus
Posts : 195 Reputation : 23 Join date : 2017-01-16
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:55 pm
This looks like the hottest, wettest, softest pile of cinematic dog shit ever to bare the Star Wars name. “Han Solo”’s squeaky voice and general presence as a completely different character. The glaringly obvious market research-based casting. The fakey-fake look of all those overly made-up actors together in the cockpit (does that look genuine to ANYONE??). The hyperactive camera. The terrible CGI. The Nickelodeon tween sitcom style of acting. This looks like the most manufactured, soulless, corporate Star Wars ever.
It feels unfair for me to be reserving judgment for Fallen Kingdom but not this movie, but the hard truth is that bad trailers are more accurate to their films than good ones. Fallen Kingdom still might suck. Solo is very unlikely not to.
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:43 pm
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:09 am
BarrytheOnyx wrote:
More info emerges on what Colin Trevorrow's Episode IX would have been and why he was fired
And honestly, this kind of crap pisses me off; they basically fired him for wanting to stay true to what George had envisioned for Star Wars.
In hindsight, Colin Trevorrow was better off getting fired since he doesn't have to clean up the mess that Rian Johnson made via TLJ.
Luke chasing his nephew to the dark side after a failed murder attempt (!), Leia being the flying nun, Holdo being a crappy commander who had no ability to inspire and wasn't able to, you know, COMMAND, "We don't win wars by destroying what we hate, but keeping what we love" or however that dumb line went, Kylo Ren's extra thick shirtless scene, Snoke getting killed off because...REASONS, and the First Order destroying the Resistance fleet after they chased them until the Resistance...RAN OUT OF GAS!
Between that and KK not knowing what she's doing, Trevorrow getting fired was the best thing for his career. He would have had to change so much of his plans that it would have been ruined anyway.
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:52 am
It looks like Rian Johnson threw out the whole original plans for not just the TLJ but also the Episode 9.
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
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BarrytheOnyx Veteran
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:23 pm
The levels of shortsightedness, uncreativity, shallowness and pettiness among these Star Wars directors and Kathleen Kennedy (the person who should be managing this franchise) is staggering. How you go into a filmmaking venture without a plan is beyond me. I know Rhedo's said it before, and I sure as hell believe it now: if George hasn't had the last laugh then he surely will soon.
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:48 am
BarrytheOnyx wrote:
The levels of shortsightedness, uncreativity, shallowness and pettiness among these Star Wars directors and Kathleen Kennedy (the person who should be managing this franchise) is staggering. How you go into a filmmaking venture without a plan is beyond me. I know Rhedo's said it before, and I sure as hell believe it now: if George hasn't had the last laugh then he surely will soon.
Part of me still thinks that Disney will bring him back on in some form once they give Kathleen Kennedy the boot. He won't wield all the power, but he'll wield quite a bit of it. At this point, what else can Disney do and who else can they turn to?
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:12 pm
Rian Johnson has already begun work on his own Star Wars trilogy.
This buffoon destroyed the plans laid out by JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy let him do this, and yet he gets THIS instead of a pink slip?! Kathleen Kennedy is basically asking to be fired, and she's too stupid to even know it.
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton
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CT-1138 Jurassic Mainframe News Team
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:58 pm
MFW people are pissed that TLJ didn't go their way.
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:08 pm
Rhedosaurus wrote:
Rian Johnson has already begun work on his own Star Wars trilogy.
This buffoon destroyed the plans laid out by JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy let him do this, and yet he gets THIS instead of a pink slip?! Kathleen Kennedy is basically asking to be fired, and she's too stupid to even know it.
"With Star Wars: The Last Jedi now barely in the rearview mirror, work has already begun on Rian Johnson’s new trilogy of Star Wars films. Set in a previously unexplored part of the Star Wars galaxy, the new films will have no connection to the current trilogy. "
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:54 am
CT-1138 wrote:
MFW people are pissed that TLJ didn't go their way.
You are aware the Johnson threw out JJ Abrams' plans for the whole trilogy and that KK let him do it, are you?
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton
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CT-1138 Jurassic Mainframe News Team
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:36 pm
I am, and I don't care. I liked what we got. It doesn't ruin the mythos, it keeps the canon in mind, and no, Luke did not go out like a bitch. People are pissed because it didn't go the way they wanted. Well, boo freaking hoo. I'm sick of entitled "fans" who rage when something doesn't go their way.
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:18 pm
CT-1138 wrote:
I am, and I don't care. I liked what we got. It doesn't ruin the mythos, it keeps the canon in mind, and no, Luke did not go out like a bitch. People are pissed because it didn't go the way they wanted. Well, boo freaking hoo. I'm sick of entitled "fans" who rage when something doesn't go their way.
Even though it meant that Trevorrow got screwed over by both KK and Johnson, despite both Hamill and Daisy really liking his plan?
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton
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CT-1138 Jurassic Mainframe News Team
Posts : 1007 Reputation : 59 Join date : 2012-04-06 Location : Chicago
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:13 pm
Rhedosaurus wrote:
CT-1138 wrote:
I am, and I don't care. I liked what we got. It doesn't ruin the mythos, it keeps the canon in mind, and no, Luke did not go out like a bitch. People are pissed because it didn't go the way they wanted. Well, boo freaking hoo. I'm sick of entitled "fans" who rage when something doesn't go their way.
Even though it meant that Trevorrow got screwed over by both KK and Johnson, despite both Hamill and Daisy really liking his plan?
Truth be told, I don't care for Trevorrow's writing. I think he's too hipster.
This movie looks like it's going to be a profitable trainwreck ah la Zilla '98 and Wolverine: Origins. Not only that, but look at how little marketing there is for this movie.
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton
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Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon May 07, 2018 2:30 pm
More info regarding Colin Trevorrow's exit from Star Wars emerges: jump to 17:23.
Based on what Kristian, Mark and this girl Rosie bring up, he was fired several months before the announcement of his departure in September, and possibly as far back as the passing of Carrie Fisher. This makes a degree of sense because filming for TLJ hadn't been completed by then, save for the Leia scenes, and he wanted Luke and Snoke to be alive for Episode IX. I know he's not the best screenwriter, but it's rich coming from Lucasfilm if that was the reason he was fired because they greenlit THE LAST JEDI.
Still, the timing of it sure was funny with the announcement coming a few months after the release of The Book of Henry and it's critical mauling, and obviously the story ran that the bombing of that film led to him losing the Star Wars job. It makes you wonder what the media buzz would have been if Book of Henry was critically acclaimed and soon afterwards Lucasfilm announces his departure. He was also slandered for being "unbearable" and having a large ego around the time of these announcements, no doubt to make it easier for Kennedy to paint herself as the good guy.
Subject: Re: The Star Wars thread Mon May 07, 2018 5:58 pm
BarrytheOnyx wrote:
More info regarding Colin Trevorrow's exit from Star Wars emerges: jump to 17:23.
Based on what Kristian, Mark and this girl Rosie bring up, he was fired several months before the announcement of his departure in September, and possibly as far back as the passing of Carrie Fisher. This makes a degree of sense because filming for TLJ hadn't been completed by then, save for the Leia scenes, and he wanted Luke and Snoke to be alive for Episode IX. I know he's not the best screenwriter, but it's rich coming from Lucasfilm if that was the reason he was fired because they greenlit THE LAST JEDI.
Still, the timing of it sure was funny with the announcement coming a few months after the release of The Book of Henry and it's critical mauling, and obviously the story ran that the bombing of that film led to him losing the Star Wars job. It makes you wonder what the media buzz would have been if Book of Henry was critically acclaimed and soon afterwards Lucasfilm announces his departure. He was also slandered for being "unbearable" and having a large ego around the time of these announcements, no doubt to make it easier for Kennedy to paint herself as the good guy.
It makes you wonder how KK would have said if Trevorrow didn't direct 'Book Of Henry'. Yes, Trevorrow was screwed over by KK and Rian Johnson, but let's not pretend that Book Of Henry was a bad idea.
Come to think of it, I wonder what Spielberg thought of this when KK threw Trevorrow under the bus.
_______________ The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton
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